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We understand that equipment downtime is critical in terms of production and lost revenue. Therefore, RDG is committed to providing careful planning and around-the-clock execution with experienced personnel to achieve the most aggressive time-lines.

Shutdown Inspection Services

Our inspection services have been developed to provide our clients with shutdown support and assurance in knowing that their evaporation plant is able to run at optimal efficiency and is ready for extended operation. We firmly believe that knowledge is power, and this power can make the difference of preventing an equipment issue or being surprised by one. For this reason, we are excited to use our experience and knowledge for our client’s benefit.

Our inspection services include a comprehensive review of each evaporator, condenser, or major component in a given system, including internal and exterior examinations of each unit. All equipment conditions are measured and documented for client’s review, with special attention given to any item that could limit or disrupt ongoing use of equipment.

Major Inspection Categories:

  • Current Design Review – Verification of general arrangement of each unit for optimal function.
  • Physical Damage or Missing Parts – Identify and document.
  • Heat Exchanger Pressure Testing – Verify and confirm quantity, magnitude, and location of any leaks.
  • Thermal and Vibrational Fatigue – Examine all structural or expansion components exposed to these stresses.
  • Base / Weld Metal Corrosion – Identifying type and magnitude of attack – verification of total metal thickness losses and stage of pitting or cracking conditions.
  • Erosion in Liquid Circulation System – Inspection of all high velocity or heavy solids circulation lines – verification of metal thickness on accessible elbows or liquid distribution parts acceptable to high erosion.
  • Fouling / Washing Cycle Problems – Identify areas of excessive product buildup, and source, such as – deficient cleaning cycle, circulation problems during operation, etc.

Laser Welding is the Standard

Rosenblad Design Group, was the first to introduce laser welded evaporator plates to the Pulp and Paper industry back in 1994. This innovation brought major opportunities to the market in both design enhancements and product durability.

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